TIGRESS uses an ensemble approach (here called stability selection) to reduce prediction variance in a LASSO model. It works somewhat similar to the other Ensemble methods . TIGRESS is published in [Haury2012] . The LASSO uses the GLMNET Fortran backend in [Friedman2010] .


TIGRESS needs a minimum of two input files:

  • -i, --infile: An expression matrix (genes are columns, samples are rows) without headers.
  • -g, --genes: A file containing gene names that correspond to columns in the expression matrix.

Here is an example matrix containing expression data for five genes in ten samples:

0.4254475 0.0178292 0.9079888 0.4482474 0.1723238
0.4424002 0.0505248 0.8693676 0.4458513 0.1733112
1.0568470 0.2084539 0.4674478 0.5050774 0.2448833
1.1172264 0.0030010 0.3176543 0.3872039 0.2537921
0.9710677 0.0010565 0.3546514 0.4745322 0.2077183
1.1393856 0.1220468 0.4024654 0.3484362 0.1686139
1.0648694 0.1405077 0.4817628 0.4748571 0.1826433
0.8761173 0.0738140 1.0582917 0.7303661 0.0536562
1.2059661 0.1534070 0.7608608 0.6558457 0.1577311
1.0006755 0.0789863 0.8036309 0.8389751 0.0883061

In the genes files, we provide the column headers for the expression matrix in order:


With that, we can run PCor:

tigress -i expr_mat.tsv -g genes.txt

The output is a square matrix of scores:

0       0.5197  0.6558  0.2139  0.0838
0.6909  0       0.169   0.2216  0.3628
0.4819  0.1774  0       0.3084  0.7075
0.137   0.1418  0.3349  0       0.675
0.0182  0.1736  0.7209  0.6138  0

Optional arguments for TIGRESS

  • -S, --no-scale: This turns off feature scaling of the expression matrix before the correlation calculation. By default scaling is enabled.
  • -B, --nbootstrap: Perform this many resampling iterations for each gene.
  • -n, --nlambda: Consider this many shrinkage lambdas.
  • -l, --min-lambda: The minimum lambda value considered is this fraction of the maximum.

Running TIGRESS for a subset of genes

Often we have only a small number of genes of interest. We can instruct TIGRESS to only calculate interactions involving those genes by providing a -t, --targets file containing these gene names:


And running it with the -t, --targets options:

tigress -i expr_mat.tsv -g genes.txt -t targets.txt

In this case we will receive an edge list as output:

G3  G1  0.4819
G3  G2  0.1774
G3  G4  0.3084
G3  G5  0.7075
G4  G1  0.137
G4  G2  0.1418
G4  G3  0.3349
G4  G5  0.675

Running TIGRESS in MPI mode

TIGRESS can use parallel processing. For general info on how to run parallel algorithms in seidr, please see Using multiple processors to infer networks