Using multiple processors to infer networks

A number of computationally intensive network inference algorithms in seidr are written using a hybrid MPI/OpenMP approach. This allows for sahred memory parallelism on a single computer or across many nodes in a cluster. Some inference algorithms in seidr have been run on hundreds of CPUs across many nodes in a high performance compute cluster.

Running in OMP mode

By default, if your computer has multiple CPU cores availble, seidr will use as many as it can. If the subprogram has parallel processing support, you can control the extent of the parallelization with the -O,--threads option.


# Use all available threads by default: seidr import …

# Use two threds seidr import -O 2 …

# Use environment variables to control the number of threads export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 seidr import ..

Running in MPI mode

By default all inference algorithms will use all cores to process data. Let’s use CLR as an example:

mi -m CLR -i expr_mat.tsv -g genes.txt

This will spawn eight compute threads (on my laptop) to process the data. In order to control the allocated number of CPUs, we can use the -O flag of the mi program:

mi -O 4 -m CLR -i expr_mat.tsv -g genes.txt

This will use 4 compute threads.

If we want to use multiple nodes, we can use we can run the same command as a child of the mpirun program. You should first define a hostfile.:

mpirun -hostfile myhostfile.cfg mi -m CLR -i expr_mat.tsv -g genes.txt

This will spawn a distributed versiob of the MI inference, running the maximum amount of OpenMP threads. You can combine mpirun and the program’s -O argument to control the number of compute threads each MPI worker spawns.

A special note on MPI rank order: the highest memory node on the cluster you are using should always be rank 0. If there are any high memory tasks, Seidr will assign them to this MPI worker.

For more info on running MPI jobs (including running them on several nodes), please refer to the OpenMPI webpage

The batchsize argument

All MPI enabled inference algorithms in seidr have a --batch-size argument. This is the number of genes a compute thread will process at once before requesting more from the master thread. Lower batch sizes will lead to more time spent in I/O operations and more temporary files, but setting it too high might leave compute threads without work for portions of the run. A good rule of thumb is to set this to \(\frac{n_{genes}}{n_{nodes}}\). As an example, if I am estimating the network for 25,000 genes using a five nodes, I set --batch-size to \(\frac{25000}{5} = 5000\). In general, it is safe to let seidr decide on the batch size.