Building Seidr

Supported OSs

seidr should build fine on most Linux distributions.

Test builds of seidr are created on Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 31. It is possible to build on Mac OS X (with some effort). Microsoft Windows is currently not supported.

Basic Build

Currently, seidr has the following dependencies (examplary dnf packages on Fedora):

  • gcc
  • gcc-c++
  • gcc-gfortran
  • cmake
  • git
  • boost-devel
  • glpk-devel or COIN-OR CLP (see A note on CLP and GLPK)
  • armadillo-devel
  • zlib-devel

Once the dependencies are satisfied, build with:

git clone --recursive
cd seidr
mkdir build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

If you have multiple CPU cores, run make as make -j <ncpus> to speed up building.

Building with MPI

If you have access to a compute cluster, you might want to build seidr with MPI support. If you have the MPI libraries installed (e.g.: openmpi-devel on Fedora) add:


to the CMake build options.

Building Parallel STL (PSTL)

If you have Intel TBB and PSTL availble, you can build seidr with support for parallel STL algorithms, which can speed some operations. To do that, add:

cmake -DSEIDR_PSTL=ON ..

to the CMake build options.

A note on CLP and GLPK

The narromi algorithm uses linear programming routines, which in seidr is implemented via either GLPK or CLP backends. GLPK is widely available, but not safe to use in an OpenMP context, you will therefore be limited to a single OMP thread. CLP is safer, but packages are less widely available (you might need to build form source). If you want to build seidr with the CLP backend add: